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Any time you’re involved in a collision, you must:

  • Stop immediately. Don’t ever leave the scene of a collision. If you do, you may be prosecuted for “hit and run.”


  • Find out if anyone has been hurt and do what you can to help. Don’t try to move an injured person unless it’s a life-or-death necessity (if the car’s on fire, for example). Movement might make the injuries worse


  • Call or have someone call 911 or the police as soon as possible. Be sure that the police get your exact location. Give all the information you can: type of collision, how many people are involved, how many are hurt, and what type of injuries, etc. Stay on the line until the emergency operator has finished asking you questions and hangs up first.


  • Accidents that do not involve injury or death—The owner or operator of a vehicle or its cargo that obstructs the regular flow of traffic shall make every reasonable effort to remove the obstructing vehicle or cargo from the roadway so the regular flow of traffic is not blocked. This shall not apply to vehicles transporting “hazardous materials.”


  • Remain calm and be polite. Don’t blame other people or accept blame, and don’t discuss the accident. Wait for the law enforcement officer and answer questions truthfully and calmly. If the collision involves a parked car or other property and you can’t locate the owner, leave your name and address on the damaged property where the owner will find it. The investigating officer will complete a report and place it on file. You should contact your insurance company as soon as possible, report the accident, and provide the required information. You should keep a copy of all collision report forms.


How much does it cost to purchase a collision report?

  •  A non-certified collision report costs $10.00. For a certified collision report, you must obtain report from Oklahoma DPS.

How long will it take before DPS has my collision report?

  • Per Title 47 O.S., Section 40-102 A.1., reports should be forwarded to DPS within thirty (30) days of the collision or, if the collision results in death of any person, within twenty (20) days of the death of the person, whichever time period is lesser, by the law enforcement agency preparing the report.

Who is authorized to purchase a collision report from DPS?

  • The collision report can be provided immediately if the requestor is one of the following, as provided in Title 47 O.S., Section 40-102:2

  •  A party involved in the collision,

  •  A legal representative of a party involved in the collision,

  •  A state, county or city law enforcement agency,

  •  The Department of Transportation or any country or city transportation or road and highway maintenance agency,

  •  Licensed insurance agent of a party involved in the collision,

  •  Insurer of a party involved in the collision

  •  Insurer to which a party has applied for coverage,

  •  Person under contract with an insurer to provide claims or underwriting information,

  •  Prosecutorial authority,

  •  Newspaper,

  •  Radio or television broadcaster,

  •  Licensed private investigators employed by a party involved in the collision, or

  •  Provider of health services to a party involved in the collision.

  •  Any other requester must wait until sixty (60) days after the date of the collision.


I have purchased my collision report and feel there is a mistake that should be corrected. How do I resolve this?

  • You must contact and speak to the investigating law enforcement officer listed at the bottom of the collision report to request a revision.